Green tea sure isn’t a passing trend. For thousands of years the Japanese, Chinese and Moroccans have sipped green tea and reaped its therapeutic wonders. It’s little surprise the drink is considered one of the world’s healthiest. Whether you’re new to it or a seasoned convert who enjoys the ceremony and science-based benefits, we’ve handpicked the top five reasons to fill your tea cup with Green tea goodness.
Oh, and for those newbies, Green tea is made from the same leaves as its black tea counterpart but the leaves are not fermented or processed. That’s why green tea is green! Plus, it’s why Green tea is an antioxidant powerhouse.
1. Packed with antioxidants and cancer-fighting compounds
Green tea is loaded with bioactive compounds including polyphenols. (yes, there’ll be a few words in here that are a mouthful to say, but they’ll make sense as we go). These natural compounds busy themselves with everything from helping to combat cancer to reducing inflammation; a particular positive for those suffering arthritis and inflammatory diseases. One of Green tea’s greatest secret weapons is a catechin (a potent flavonoid) known as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). This natural antioxidant prevents cell damage and through research is proven to assist in the treatment of various diseases (Trusted Source).
Pour your cup knowing those polyphenol antioxidants will fight away long after your tea party is over.
2. Better memory and brain function? Yes please.
In our busy lives, the thought of Green tea perhaps helping improve memory is bliss. This is courtesy of theanine (an amino acid) which is believed to increase GABA, dopamine and serotonin which are all mood-enhancing chemicals. So, there’s actually a scientific reason why Green tea can feel so relaxing to sip. It’s because of this theanine and how according to research, it can assist with relieving stress and encouraging relaxation, all helpful in getting our brains functioning well.
Green Tea also contains caffeine but not to the same degree of coffee, where having one too many can cause the jitters. The amount of caffeine is believed to assist with focus. For those curious about the caffeine content – for an 8-ounce cup it sits around 29 milligrams [mg](Trusted Source) compared with black tea 47 mg (Trusted Source) and coffee, about 95 mg (Trusted Source).
03 Wakamusya Organic Gyokuro Green Tea 50g$27.99 — or subscribe and save up to 15%
02 Sasahime Organic Gyokuro Green Tea 50g$19.99 — or subscribe and save up to 15%
01 Chamusume Organic Gyokuro Green Tea 50g$15.99 — or subscribe and save up to 15%
3. Sip tea and potentially lose fat
Let’s go back to those catechins for a moment. It’s suggested they are responsible for boosting that metabolic rate and in turn burning fat along with the caffeine in Green tea. Interestingly, many a fat burning supplement has green tea as part of their ingredient list. This should be proof enough of it’s value in this space.
Though not everyone in the science world agrees on Green tea’s fat burning qualities, we can be certain that adding Green tea to your diet sure isn’t going to load up those calories at about three calories per cup!
4. Reduce that heart disease and stroke risk
There is a growing body of evidence and research that leans towards the fact that Green tea can help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Sadly, stroke remains a leading cause of death in the US and Australia among most other countries. However, a 2020 study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition followed the habits of some 500,000 Chinese tea drinkers and found that those who drank tea in (Green tea in particular) had a lower stroke risk. It’s believed that one of the ways Green tea waves this magic wand is through it’s positive effects on cholesterol.
5. Can we live longer with healthier brains and less stress by drinking Green tea?
According to research published in 2020 by European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, drinking tea, especially Green, is associated with a longer life. It was no small study, with more than 100 thousand Chinese participants tracked for some seven years. Those who drank more than three cups of Green tea a week enjoyed a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and more.
Getting back to those trusty polyphenols we mentioned earlier, they’ve been suggested to slow the brain’s aging. That’s why scientists have looked into ways that Green tea can benefit conditions such as dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s (also Type 2 Diabetes in that studies show it can reduce insulin resistance and have a positive impact on blood sugar control).
As for stress, a review in Plant Foods for Human Nutrition published in 2020 found that stress and anxiety was reduced by taking 200-400mg of a theanine supplement each day. It may be no surprise then that a study of 1,545 elderly Chinese people across a year found that their cognitive decline was lower than those who didn’t sip their tea. Frontiers in Nutrition published this in 2022.
How great is Green tea? And we haven’t even mentioned that it could reduce blood pressure (check out this 2020 meta-analysis in Medicine of 1,697 people who found drinking Green tea to reduce their blood pressure). As for your bones, this analysis published in Medicine showed a reduced risk of osteoporosis, likely due to those terrific antioxidants!
So, invite Green tea into your life and why not get creative? It’s not just for tea cups. Perhaps add it to your smoothie, morning oatmeal or use to steam your veggies. Let’s all go green and reap those health benefits!